What do birds and angels have in common? Wings!
Lately though, I've found MANY angels without wings. They have arrived in human form.
I was LOSING my mind with my web site. LOSING MY MIND I tell you! I could not get it completed and I was in tears. I called for the "umpteenth" time. Is "umpteenth" a word? I don't care. I called the web company A LOT.
One night, as I was feeling defeated, a young woman named Gaby got on the phone. She is an angel in human form. She took this web site and made it her mission. She helped me, assisted me, advised me and advocated for me. We need Gaby in government. Her heart and soul resonated with the project.
I found a man named Rich who is a printer and one of the best human beings I know. He has been my adviser and supplier. He has yet to send me a bill. His theory is that when it takes off, he'll get paid. He has the faith of a Bible character. LOVE him! Another of my human angels.
My sister Deb is another angel. She has worked hard for many hours to edit my writing. My friend Pat proof reads everything. She is my typo spotter. Two more angels without wings who flew in to help me.
Do you believe in angels? I do.
That's the news from my nest!
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